Wednesday 23 November 2011

Unhealthy Eating Habbits

1.   Eating very quickly. If you use to eat in a hurry, this habit can cause acid reflux. Try to eat your food for at least 20 minutes because that’s the time your brain receive the message that you’re satiated, so eat slowly and enjoy your meal.

2.   Not chewing the food. Is a result of eating very quickly and cause the same problems.

3.   Skipping breakfast. If you’re always in a big hurry and breakfast is not for you soon your body system will slow down to conserve energy and store calories that will affect your metabolism and your ability to concentrate. You’ll probably eat more at lunch and dinner that is more likely to result in overweight or even obesity. Eat your breakfast within 2 hours after waking up.

4.   Chocolate eating. Theobromine, a bitter alkaloid of the cacao plant containing in chocolate may affect the body especially in chronic diseases or elderly.

5.   Coffee drinking. You should know that coffee is known as a natural contraceptive most coffee-addicted having problems with procreation. Also if you add whipped cream or flavored syrup you add hundreds of extra calories. Try to moderate your coffee drinking and skip the heavy treats.
6.   Eating junk food. It has become a tradition but if you want to live healthy you should skip this bad habit eating instead an apple, a banana or other fruit or meal at your choice.

7.    Sugar and artificial sweeteners. It is wrong to think that having your tea sweetened with something artificial instead of sugar add you some bonuses at your health skipping this way a lot o calories. Artificial sweeteners “trick” the brain so you feel less satiated and consume more calories.Much more, you add chemicals in your body and it doesn’t seem to be an improvement in any way.

8.  Drinking carbonated drinks. These kinds of drinks erode teeth enamel and are one of the main causes in kidney stones production.

9.   Eating anything with an ingredient that can’t be easily spelled. Or you may simply put a list of ‘bad ingredients’ in your pocket and consult it sometimes when you’re shopping.

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