Friday 23 March 2012

Top 10 Health Benefits of Monavie Juice

  1. Weight loss - One of the most desirable benefits of Monavie Juice weight loss. With RVL Weight Solutions you can flush up to 25 pounds of waste and toxins.
  2. Increases Energy- Our active lifestyles leave us drained of energy. Many of us don’t get enough sleep, and we walk around all day like zombies. This creates serious long-term medical conditions. Thankfully, Monavie Juice helps improve your overall energy. You can rest better, and wake up more refreshed in the morning. EMV is especially effective at boosting your metabolism.
  3. Improves Blood Flow- Poor circulation can lead to numerous medical conditions (clotting, balding, and heart issues.) Monavie Juice work to improve your blood flow, thus staving off many serious ailments. Improved circulation makes you feel better and live longer.
  4. Healthier Skin- The berry contains many unique properties that work to make your skin look and feel younger.
  5. Stronger Heart- Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in America. From lack of exercise to poor dietary habits, our hearts endure a lot of stress. Monavie Juice give your heart the nutrients it needs to work properly.
  6. Better Concentration- Another of the seemingly endless benefits of Monavie Juice is the improved mental clarity it produces. In a way, this goes back to the circulation benefits. With better blood flow, your brain is able to operate more efficiently.
  7. Reduced Cholesterol- When you think of lowering your cholesterol, you probably recall images of eating healthy foods that taste terrible. Monavie Juice save you the trouble of eating tasteless oats. This berry will lower your cholesterol significantly over time.
  8. Detoxifies Body- Monavie Juice contains several antioxidants that work to eliminate harmful substances from your body. Throughout our life, our body absorbs many damaging substances. Acai Berry works to eradicate them, and to make your immune system stronger than ever before.
  9. Body Immunity -MonaVie (M)mūn is a powerful fusion of 19 fruits specifically chosen for their ability to nutritionally support your immune health. This unique blend, now available in convenient 2-ounce juice shots, is fortified with powerful superfruits, beneficial fiber, and key vitamins A, C, and E, providing essential nutrients to support and sustain your overall health.
  10. Enhances Sexual Performance- Do I really need to explain why this is beneficial?

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Friday 30 December 2011

Health Benefits of Onion

What Do Onions Contain?
Onion contains almost all the nutrients that are required by the body. The water content in onion is almost 80%. The nutrients found in onions are carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Minerals like phosphorous, zinc and potassium are present in onions as well. Onion also contains calcium and vitamins.
Onions Health Benefits
The list of number of diseases onions can cure, or at least, prevent is quite long. Onions can help to prevent a number of ailments, ranging from asthma to sinus infections. Following are a few diseases which can be avoided, or cured using onions.
Prevention of Asthma: If you are suffering from asthma, onions are definitely good for you. For a simple home remedy on preventing an asthma attack, add half a tablespoon of onion juice with half a tablespoon of honey, and have the mixture three to four times daily. This mixture will help keep future asthma attacks at bay.
Preventing Osteoporosis: You may be surprised to know that one of the onions health benefits is prevention of osteoporosis. Recent research in Switzerland shows that onion contains a peptide called GCP which is said to prevent osteoporosis. So if you want to keep this dreaded bone disease at bay, eat onions!
Reducing Diabetes: Reducing symptoms of diabetes is one of the health benefits of onions. Onions have the ability to reduce blood sugar levels. Allyl propyl disulfide and diallyl disulfide in the onions are believed to lower blood sugar levels. They also help to increase the production of insulin. Consume onions with garlic to enhance the effect of onions for prevention of diabetes.
Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases: One more health benefits of onions is that they prevent Cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and arteriosclerosis. Onions contain a number of sulfides and flavonoids (quercetin) that can prevent heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases. Quercetin also helps to reduce the level of cholesterol. Quercetin is found more in red onions. So have more red onions than other onions, if you are suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
Prevention of Cancer: Cancer prevention is one of the best health benefits of onions. Onions contain antioxidants like quercetin and phenol which reduce the possibility of cancer, especially cancer in the head and neck region. Are onions healthy to eat? Well, if onions can help prevent cancer, then they are surely healthy to eat, isn’t it?
Curing Sinus Infections: For centuries, the Chinese have been using onions to mitigate sinus infections. Reduction of sinus infections is one of the spring onion health benefits, as spring onions prove more beneficial in curing sinus infections than other onions. Chinese put the juice of spring onions in the nostrils with the help of cotton. However, just smelling cut onion is also helpful in cases of sinus infections.
Curing Insomnia: The easiest and cheapest way to bring back sleep is onions! Onions health benefits also include curing insomnia. Just put slices of onion in a jar and inhale the smell before going to bed. You will be asleep in barely fifteen minutes!

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Yoga For Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is a period of anticipation, filled with both, the fear and the joy of having a baby. It is also a time when your body goes through various physical and mental changes. While there are other physical exercises that help, yoga has been known to be a beneficial way to deal with changes of the body and mind during pregnancy. The art of yoga originated in ancient India and has since then become a popular way of increasing flexibility, building strength and decreasing the stress levels. This versatile discipline has also been modified to suit the physiological needs of the moms-to-be. Prenatal yoga not only relieves the pregnant women from the mental stress of pregnancy, but also allows the body to remain fit during labor and childbirth. It can help in providing respite to pregnant women, from common problems like fatigue, weight gain, mood swings, cramps and swelling. With the correct guidance by an experienced trainer, yoga exercises can increase flexibility, strength and balance. As your trainer will tell you, routine practice of yoga can be incorporated in your daily life, by the regular practicing of asanaspranayama and yoga meditation. You may now be wondering about the yoga exercises that are safe for both you, and the baby. As each person’s body and health is unique, so are the level of risks involved. Therefore before you can start your yoga routine, it is important to consult the doctor.
Yoga Poses for Pregnant Women
While starting off with your yoga exercises during pregnancy, choose some simple asanas which do not overstretch the muscles and ligaments. Also while deciding which yoga poses to do, take into account the trimester of the pregnancy. So while in the first trimester the sitting and standing postures like, ‘the mountain’, ‘the triangle’, etc. are considered safe bets, during the second and third trimester remember to cut down on the time of the sessions to avoid fatigue. Also avoid back and belly poses and do not hold the positions for too long. Poses like ‘the hero’, ‘the sage twist’ and ‘the full butterfly’ are considered beneficial during the second and third trimester. Here is a guide to recommended poses for prenatal yoga:
Breathing Exercises: The basic yoga techniques taught to pregnant women, are the breathing exercises which are considered vital for the control of the energy (prana). A few simplePranayams (breath control) helps in releasing the emotional tension and the likelihood of post natal depression. Some of the suggested breathing exercises are a mild form of kapalbhati and lots of anuloma-viloma.
  • Kapalbhati: Take two normal breaths and then inhale. Exhale while pulling in the abdomen (remember not to stretch the muscles of the stomach) and repeat as required while keeping the emphasis on exhalation. Now inhale and exhale fully before inhaling once and holding your breath for as long possible. Exhale very slowly.
  • Anuloma Viloma: This involves adopting the Vishnu Mudra. With your right hand, tuck your index and middle fingers into your nostrils while placing the thumb and other fingers on either side of your nostrils. Inhale through the left nostril while holding the right one closed with your thumb and count to four. Now close both nostrils and count to 16 before breathing out through the right nostril. Now repeat the exercise by inhaling through the right nostril and exhaling through the left.
Mountain Pose: This helps in inducing the power of stillness and immovable stability. It involves standing up straight with both feet at hip width. Turn your heels and let the weight rest on the toes, while you let the arms hang downwards towards the body. Now breathe in and out letting your shoulders relax. While doing this asana look straight and try to avoid motion, with as little effort as possible.
Triangle Pose: The triangle pose or Trikonasana involves starting with a downward facing dog pose and then moving the left foot forward by 1 meter. Next place your left hand beside your foot and carry your weight to the lower back and on the heels of your foot in the front. Now slowly raise the upper part of your body, until the lower back is straight, while the right foot (the one at the back) rests on the floor. Stretch the leg which is in front, without bending the back or twisting your body. Keeping your back straight, look at a point on the ground and then breathe in and out. Press your left hand against the heel and twist your chest to the left, while your hip, lower back, legs and head remain stationary. Now stretch your right arm upward and your head to the left, while looking upward along your outstretched arm and stretching out your neck.
Hero Pose: One of the fundamental seating poses, the hero pose allows the arches of the feet and the ankles to be stretched, while also improving the posture. Place your hand and knees on the floor, keeping the knees ‘hip-width’ apart so that the thighs are parallel to one another. The feet should point backwards. Now sit between your feet by slowly lowering your hips to the floor and straighten your back, while you continue to sit tall. Place your hands on your thighs and close your eyes and relax.
The Full Butterfly: This pose eases the tension from the inner thigh area, while stretching your knees and groin area. Sit on the yoga mat keeping your legs stretched out. Now holding your ankles, pull both legs inwards so that your heels touch your pelvic area. Now clasping your ankles, bounce your knees fifteen to twenty times. This yoga posture helps greatly during childbirth and can be done from the first trimester itself.
It is important to keep in mind, that if a particular yogic posture causes any discomfort, then it is advisable to stop it immediately. There are many yoga classes for pregnant women, which have trained yoga practitioners to help you. With the right technique and guidance, yoga can be beneficial in keeping the moms-to-be fit, while they get ready to welcome the little angels into their lives.

Monday 26 December 2011

MoM Health Tips

One of the chief concerns of the mothers during post pregnancy period is to loss the weight gained during pregnancy. But at the same time adequate attention should be gibe to mom health in order to care the child properly and give breast milk to the baby. So try to follow some simple health care methods to lead an overall healthy life.
Maintain fitness routine as soon as your doctor advices you. Perform some light exercises and work outs which can cause you to sweat without much hurting the entire body. Try to do some household works that need minimum energy. Walking a mile or, two is also beneficial to lead better mom health.
Attend some yoga classes, where you can learn some techniques of stretching the entire body without making much movement. Yoga also helps to relax the nerves.
Healthy diet is the key to good mom health. For the young mothers it is necessary that they should maintain a healthy diet. Consume fresh fruits, green vegetables, in great extent, drink adequate amount of water and consume less oily foods as much as possible.
Motherhood is perhaps the best part of life, and it always demands some time to get back to the pre pregnant condition.